Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Brighter and Brighter

Yesterday I let myself have some down time, but I resolved it wouldn't last past last night. So, this morning, I got up, took a nice swim in the Y's pool and set out to focus the energy of my day on some of the projects I've been asked to help out with while I'm here. The first is a penpal project that Red Hill Elementary and Ripple Kid's (see link on sidebar) Lauren and Ashley approached me about when their family heard about my plans to come to Kenya. They sent me with letters and worksheets from their classes (hi kids!) and I am working on finding a couple of classes here that will receive the letters and respond. The kids and their teachers, Mrs. Pacelli and Mrs. Pierce, are also interested in doing a drive of some sorts when I find out what the school kids here might use. I have a school in the Kibera slum that a friend worked with last year that I hope will participate, and I will be calling their principal tomorrow to inquire.

I am also working with Rotarians here to identify a partner club and some resources for a new school being supported in part by the Newport Rotary and the African Children's Fund (also at sidebar). One of the great things about Rotary is that everyone knows someone! In fact, I went to my first meeting today, Nairobi South, and was hosted by the YMCA National Secretary, Eric, and introduced to another Megan. She is an American who has been here for eight years, and just *happens* to have rooms available in her beautiful house. So though my energies were focused elsewhere today, I think I managed to find a great living situation, and make my first Rotary contacts.

Many thanks for everyone's comments and emails - it's a joy to share this with you - even if sometimes it's just the day to day stuff I have to write about. Tomorrow is orientation - can't wait to meet my classmates!


  1. Alright Megan!!
    Thought you may have surfaced elsewhere, but Kenya still seemed a long way off in my mind. Well done!

    I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but my father's side of my family is also involved in Nairobi, in much a similar vein as you, it seems. The foundation is called http://www.majimazuri.org/, and while they're based in the Mathare Valley, they've branched out to Massai land as well. Now, you sound VERY connected and busy there, and I can't wait for your next installment to read all about it, but I just wanted to say that if you need any lateral support or assistance, you could find it either through Wanjiku, the founder, or my Dad (Kevin) who's the US facilitator. I'm only really peripherally involved, so I'll not be much help other than if you say you're a friend of Tom Corcoran's, Kevin's son... Also, my dad's been negotiating with PayPal for some time now, and perhaps would be able to provide you with some comprehensive information for that project.. let me know if you want to make contact with either of them. Perhaps we should Facebook, if you try me at Thomas Corcoran, I'm the profile pic wrestling the bear.
    All that to say, way to go! I'll be thinking of you!

  2. Oops, not a bear anymore, but a photo of a ruined castle.

  3. Hi Megs! I love reading your blog and keeping up with your adventures! I miss you - I so wish that we were able to see each other more often than we have these past few years.

    Hey - is Red Hill Elementary in this post the Red Hill like my church??

    We're praying for you!!

    Love, Jenn :)
