Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pictures and World of Good

Hi there - I chose to blog over at World of Good today - you can see my post by clicking here. I've also finally uploaded some Africa pics and you can see them and my favorite shots from my two weeks in Europe by visiting my smugmug site here. I feel seriously high-tech!

Quick update - the penpal project is growing! I received an email from my friend Tania who I went to Chapman with while she was an exchange student in 1998-99 yesterday. She's just started teaching 7 and 8 year olds in the UK and the majority of her students are of Afro-Caribbean descent. She thought having the opportunity to interact with children in Africa would be great for enhancing their understanding of their heritage, and Red Rose is excited to have found their first European partner. So the ripple is in full effect!

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