Tuesday, January 13, 2009

In lighter news...

Our internet is pretty good but still preventing me from uploading more than a couple photos at a time. So, I'm gonna send all my photos home with Phil to upload for me - and just give you a sneak peak of the wonders of Zanzibar in the meantime. I'm spending a lot of time revisiting it in my head - especially the brief introduction I had to scuba diving where I came up close and personal with a coral reef (and 4 moray eels!). I'm trying to finish a paper on coral reef management right now and I think swimming in them (scuba-induced panic attack and all) was way more fun than writing about the many threats facing their survival here in Kenya.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry - deleted the comment by mistake!

    Beautiful pics Megan! Really adds to your already very descriptive words that paint the picture...


  3. I've been reading you since your last sojourn, Megan, and finally take the time to say, "Thank you!"

    I concur with Allan, your words and pictures demonstrate a mastery usually beyond your years. Congratulations on your work -- and perhaps more important, congratulations on the way you're living your life.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks Allan and Lynn! It is wonderful to have such a great support system - and Lynn, your last name doesn't sound familiar - how did you find my blog? Thanks so much - an experience like this would definitely not be nearly as rich without the ability to share it with others.
