Monday, July 12, 2010


Watch this, and then tomorrow night watch this. Then, you can understand one of the only truths I've come to terms with after almost two years here. Education is where it's at. We can all make a difference, it doesn't take much. Every child has potential. There is always hope.


  1. Hi! I am a friend of Katie Stump and I found your blog through hers. I could NOT agree more. Education can turn anyone's life around and every human being has potential to make a difference. Age, race, gender, it doesn't matter. Other's can make an impact in someone's life just by giving them an education. I think that story is very powerful. :) Great post!

    *I am getting ready to being a journey teaching in Shanghai China!

  2. Meg - on our recent long drives we listened to Greg Mortenson's books - "Three Cups of Tea" and "Stones into Schools" - more proof education is the answer! thanks for telling us of this - will watch! Terre
