Thursday, September 30, 2010

Need help?

As I mentioned in my previous post I am looking for short term/part time work opportunities this fall as I catch up with friends and family and begin writing my thesis. I am interested primarily in remote-access work (i.e. online writing/special projects) OR opportunities from November 1st onward in or around Monterey. For very short term gigs (i.e. special events etc.) I am available for travel - especially in/around the SF Bay Area.

If you have any needs in your personal or professional life or know of any opportunities, please keep me in mind for the following. I am happy to provide references that can affirm my ability to jump in at a moment's notice and get the job done.

  • Writing/Editing: Copy, features, newsletters, website content, resumes, cover letters etc.
  • Special Projects Coordination and Project Management
  • Social Media Strategy/Consulting
  • Events Organizing/Customer Service/Sales
  • Personal Assistance (i.e. anyone with any special needs that a willing helper can take care of)
  • Photography
Finding some work to stay afloat over the next few months would really help me complete this journey more comfortably while preparing for next steps (which I hope include 1-3 months of finalizing my M.A. work in Kenya before embarking on my full-time job search in the Pacific Northwest).

Many thanks!

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