Thursday, February 9, 2012

The start of my summit list

I took some time in Ghana to reflect on my life thus far as I began to chart next steps. One night I was thinking about all the beautiful moments I've had around the world, and how thankful I am for a collection of memories that surpass any photograph I could have taken. I started to write them down and I look forward to adding to this list as memories resurface and new experiences are had. I am calling this my "summit" list in tribute to the beautiful vista each of these moments offered.
  • Cuban cigars on the coast of the Mediterranean with my brothers.
  • Watching the 2010 world cup in Kenya.
  • Starting alone, ending amongst friends hiking through Cappadocia.
  • Singing in the Sistine Chapel (I have never been so certain of God’s presence).
  • Watching my mom talk to sheep in the Scottish highlands with my Dad and nephew.
  • Walking through a soft layer of snow in Red Square late at night after the ballet.
  • Fireflies on the evacuation path during a tsunami warning in Vladivastok.
  • Bioluminescence that looked like diamonds on a nighttime dhow ride in Lamu.
  • Trekking the Routeburn with my siblings.
  • Arriving at my destination after my first solo roadtrip in South Africa just as the sunset behind the mountains.
  • My first salsa lesson in Costa Rica.
  • Hiking in to my family cabin with my best friends in the middle of the night.
  • Getting stuck behind an elephant in Amboseli.
  • Arriving at sunset in Ithala.
  • That first cold coke in Tanzania.
  • Squid hunting in Corona del Mar.
  • Pear icecream on a solo walk in Paris.
  • Singing with my cousins in a Gondola at Christmas.
  • My first leisurely walk through an African city at night in Accra.
  • Laguna de Apoyo.
  • Dancing at Mar y Sombre.
  • Carmel beach at sunset with family.
  • Running in Rongai.
  • Bela's birth.
  • Cracked crab at my grandparents table.
  • Trying to leap over a rafter in Zurich.
  • That moment when I held a baby, sat next to a teenager and comforted a dying child.
  • Root beer floats in a half-built house in the Oakland hills.
  • Stargazing in the middle of a high school football field.
  • Yoga on the beach on Christmas day.
  • Dancing with wild abandon in Accra.
  • Watching the sun set from my surf board at Old Man’s.
  • Napping with my nephew in Moscow.
  • Walks with my nephew in Berkeley.
  • A surprise birthday party in the middle of a ski hill.
  • New years, champagne, a hot tub and friends.
  • Ice skating through Gorky Park.
  • Singing the national anthem as we landed after every choir tour.
  • My dad's solo singing tribute to the MacDonalds at Glencoe.
  • Snowball fights in Nkandla on the morning I left Sizanani center.
  • Camping in a field of geodes in Namibia.
  • Laughing until we cried with mom and dad in the back row at church on Christmas eve.
  • The feeling of driving a pickup outside of Nairobi.
  • Skinny dipping for the first time by moonlight in Namibia.


  1. Hi Megan, amazing post, so inspiring! Big fan. Please don't stop writing, and photographing, and dreaming.


  2. Thanks Allan - always appreciate your support (and example!). Cheers my friend - hoping for a UK visit sometime soon.

  3. Hey! Honoured to have been present for (I think) two of these memories!! :-) Hoping to add some in the future!


  4. You were indeed - and definitely!
